
The European Union is the main body with resources to offer funding in form of grants to entities and companies in Europe. It is key for the Canarian innovation system to access and make the best use of these resources, which requires specific knowledge that allows them to submit quality project proposals, increasing their number […]

This week, on Friday the 16th of October, Consulta Europa is organizing an online event in the form of an interactive webinar about the Erasmus+ programme. The purpose of this webinar is to raise the visibility of the Erasmus+ programme to beneficiaries, policy makers and supporting partners. By promoting youth exchange, internships and other mobility […]

Today, September 10th, it has been launched the 2020 call for proposals under the LIFE4best ‘Small Grants’ Initiative. LIFE4BEST provides grant funding for small-scale field actions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the Outermost Regions of the European Union (ORs). LIFE4BEST is a grant scheme designed to provide effective support for actions on the […]

We are recruiting an experienced researcher (doctoral degree or at least four years’ full-time research experience) in fields closely related to socio-economic and environmental sciences, such as circular economy, territorial development, or environmental sustainability. The researcher will work in close cooperation with the rest of the team on different research projects related with territorial development […]

On 10 September 2020, the new call of the LIFE4BEST Grant Programme will be launched. LIFE4BEST is the continuation of the EU BEST initiative, which aims to support action in favour of biodiversity and the sustainable use of ecosystem services in EU outermost regions (ORs). The new call will be opened to provide grants for small-scale […]

The Rural Youth Europe (RYEurope) will organise the Webinar ‘Rural Game Changers – What have the European rural youth organisations learnt from the COVID-19?’ The aim is to discuss the response of rural youth to the pandemic, share good practice that can be used in the future, what has been learnt and respond to the question on […]

The European Commission and EU member states have launched a call for participation in a pan-European Hackathon to connect innovators, partners and buyers across Europe to develop innovative solutions to coronavirus.  The Hackathon will take place on 24, 25 and 26 April and is structured around categories of problems that need short-term solutions in relation […]

We are searching for a Communication Content Producer that will be responsible for creating communication and dissemination material (videos, infographics, brochures, etc.) for the projects we manage and for our organization. She/he will work in close cooperation with the rest of the team.   Main tasks include:  -Design corporate resources and ensure the correct application […]

Regarding the new CAMPUS RUP project, which we talked about in our last publication, we want to share with you this video prepared by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria that explains in detail the activities that are intended to be developed within it and the objectives that are the consorcium hope to […]

Next week the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) will receive the universities of the other eight outermost regions to jointly design the Alliance of ORs Universities and prepare the CAMPUS RUP project, which will be presented at the call of European Universities of the Erasmus + program. Consulta Europa participates actively in […]

As announced a few days ago, last Monday November 18th took place the launch of one of the calls for the LIFE4BEST grants program: the Swift Small Grants. Consulta Europa, together with the coordinating body of the Programme, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) will hold a Webinar aiming at presenting the […]

LIFE4BEST-ORs Programme is searching for applicants in order to create the Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) of Macaronesia region. RAC will bring together independent experts for supporting the evaluation and the selection process of the two next LIFE4BEST-ORs calls. The first call for small grants was launched on November 18th and will finished December 16th. The […]

El próximo lunes 18 de Noviembre tendrá lugar la apertura de una las convocatorias del Programa de subvenciones LIFE4BEST. LIFE4BEST continúa la iniciativa BEST de la Unión Europea (UE), siendo su objeto apoyar la acción en favor de la biodiversidad en las regiones ultraperiféricas de Europa (RUP). La nueva convocatoria se abrirá para proporcionar subvenciones […]

Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation is searching for applicants for the development of the visual identity and website of an European funded research project: RURALIZATION Project ( . The tasks and services requested will be conducted between July 2019 and August 2023, and applicants are asked to submit their economic offers with a maximum of […]

As the URBAN-WASTE project approaches its end in May this year, Brussels will host the project’s final conference titled “Waste Management in Tourism. Does it even matter?” organised by ACR+, on 7 May 2019 at the Balsamine theatre. It has been three years since a consortium of 27 partners launched a project titled “URBAN-WASTE” that […]

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