
Training is one of the main activities of Consulta Europa, with a particular emphasis on the organisation of practical courses, seminars, and workshops especially on European funds, as well as, on the management and development of European projects. The educational courses can have various formats and duration, always adapting to the needs of the client. Normally, training courses are organised in modules of 4-8 hours, either face-to-face or telematic. Regarding the subject matter, the courses can cover a wide range of possibilities, always in relation to the experience and work that is carried out in the company.
Consulta Europa also has extensive experience in organising and conducting training sessions on various topics. That is why training actions are one of the main activities, hence Consulta Europa organises practical training courses, seminars and workshops on various topics related to the services we offer, with special emphasis on European funds and the management and development of European projects. The training courses can have various formats and duration, always adapted to the needs of the training in question.
Courses and training on European projects
The general structure for projects in the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 framework programme is usually as follows:
- MODULE 1: New Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and directly managed programmes 2021-2027. (types of calls and types of projects).
- MODULE 2: Indirect management programmes 2021-2027.
- MODULE 3: Horizon Europe: How to submit a successful project proposal: how to build a successful proposal (basic elements of defining objectives and actions, consortium building, identification and presentation of project assets).
- MODULE 4: Interview with success stories (ERC, Marie Curie, Research and Innovation in Action).
- MODULE 5: Writing laboratory of a Horizon Europe project.
Each module can go into details according to the needs of the client.
Courses and training on European project management
- MODULE 1: Rules and tools for monitoring, follow-up in the implementation of activities and their evaluation.
- MODULE 2: Bases of the financial management of the programme for the preparation of reports required by the funding body of the awarded proposals.
- MODULE 3: Basis of administrative management.
Consulta Europa has also collaborated in the organisation of training days in the framework of the Sustain your Life through Social Entrepreneurship project, including sessions on “Social and Cultural Entrepreneurship”, “Entrepreneurship and Initiative”, etc. These trainings can also have various formats and durations and are adapted to the needs of the client.