The European Commission has approved, under EU state aid rules, a €500 million Spanish programme under the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) to support the deployment of broadband backhaul infrastructure in rural areas. The aid programme is part of Spain’s strategy to meet the needs of citizens and businesses in the context of the digitisation […]
Consulta Europa is excited to announce the appointment of Beatrice Avagnina as Managing Director of the company. With an academic background in EU studies, Beatrice has an extensive experience on a wide range of European programmes such as Horizon 2020, European Innovation Council, and Erasmus+. With her incorporation, she will bring thus not only her experience […]
“II Edition Women and Leadership in the AGE: Women leaders” was celebrated this Tuesday, June 21st of 2022. This event was organized by the “Federación de Asociaciones de los Cuerpos Superiores de la Administración Civil del Estado” (FEDECA) in collaboration with the Women and Science Unit of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The aim […]
The Circular Economy Community of Technological Innovation (EIT) will recognise the projects of those startups and SMEs that brings together the most innovative solutions in the circular economy. In the face of increasing demand and competition for finite resources, the transition to more circular economies is positioned as the strategic path that will enable Europe to […]
The pandemic, climate change and the war between Russia and Ukraine have had serious consequences for Europe’s energy system, which is going through an unprecedented crisis. One answer to the global energy challenge is being devised at the local and regional level through clean-energy communities. This idea consists of the creation of a renewable energy […]
Human activity is degrading the vital ecosystems that enable our oceans to function. To solve this problem, the European Union has presented two projects whose mission is to restore marine ecosystems, eliminate pollution and make the marine economy neutral and circular. These projects are Mission Atlantic and AFRIMED. Researchers from around the world are working […]
La Unión Europea ha seleccionado una iniciativa presentada por el Cabildo de Gran Canaria para convertir la isla en una de las 118 regiones de 18 Estados miembros que integrarán el programa de investigación e innovación de la UE para impulsar la adaptación al cambio climático y la resiliencia climática para 2030. El presidente del […]
FORWARD final conference – June 2, 2022 Registration form: here Hybrid event:Onsite: KBR venue Kuntsberg 28, B-1000 – Panorama room – Mont des Arts 28, BrusselsOnline: a link to access the conference will be provided upon registration Agenda: here FORWARD is the first European project gathering the 9 European Outermost Regions: Azores, Canary Islands, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Madeira, Martinique, […]
Consulta Europa subscribed the EU Rural Pact which was launched by the European Commission in December 2021. The pact aims at mobilising rural stakeholders, facilitating the exchange of experiences and boosting rural revitalisation. Our team will share the experience about working with rural areas and, in particular, the pilot project on #RuralHubs for rural entrepreneurship. If […]
Conoce el programa Widening y las oportunidades existentes para Canarias durante este evento organizado en el marco del programa H2020 Forward que tiene como objetivo impulsar la capacidad de investigación e innovación en las regiones ultraperiféricas de la Unión Europea. *Registro disponible solo para participar telemáticamente (cerrado) 25 de abril de 2022 09:15-14:30 (hora […]
Project duration: 6 to 12 months Maximum funding per project €50,000 Submission deadline on the 30th April 2022 at 17pm CEST Budget foreseen for Open Call 2: minimum 350,000 Euros, maximum 500,000 Euros Expected Innovation Action intends to build, pilot and deploy a large-scale, EU-standardised open platform. The integration of a broad range of technological, […]
Following the recruitment phase last winter which resulted in selecting 23 Italian SMEs active in the field of tourism either as accommodation providers or tour agencies, the training phase is now about to kick-off with the first two training session taking part from 22-25 March. Coordinated by the two Italian partners who act as reference […]
El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado el Proyecto Estratégico para la Recuperación y Transformación Económica (PERTE) de Economía Circular, un plan destinado a acelerar la transición hacia un sistema productivo más eficiente y sostenible en el uso de materias primas que pretende dar cumplimiento a los objetivos contenidos en la Estrategia Española de Economía Circular […]
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria will host this Thursday, February 10th, the international conference on gender equality in research and innovation carried out within the framework of the Athena project co-financed by the European Commission. The event will count with the participation of Sylvia Jaén, Vicecounselor of Equality and Diversity of the Government of the […]
Consulta Europa is teaching a free course on Blue Economy for workers. The first two sessions were given by Elba Bueno and Mónica Quesada from the Maritime Cluster of the Canary Islands and by Noelia Pericón, an expert on SDGs. The following will be taught on February 3 and 4 in person. If you are […]