EIT rewards companies that go hand in hand with the circular economy

The Circular Economy Community of Technological Innovation (EIT) will recognise the projects of those startups and SMEs that brings together the most innovative solutions in the circular economy.

In the face of increasing demand and competition for finite resources, the transition to more circular economies is positioned as the strategic path that will enable Europe to rise to current and future challenges. The unstoppable degradation and fragility of the environment requires profound changes in the value chain that keep resources within the economy, even if the product has reached the end of its useful life. To this end, the conversion of waste into resources, changes in consumer behaviour or new business models can be innovative alternatives to face this global threat.

To this end, the EIT Community Circular Economy Prize will award a prize of 15,000 euros to the companies that perform best in the four related categories:

Topic 1. New circular business models in two specific areas:

From products to services: This model is an alternative to the established “buy and own”approach and includes lending, renting, or pay-for-use agreements. It allows customer to purchase a service or desired result, rather than buying the product itself.

Sharing economy: The primary feature that defines a sharing economy is the mutual cooperation. It creates the opportunity for consumers to tap into the unused potential of products by reducing their idle time and increase access to goods and services

Topic 2. Circular economy assessment methodologies: new methodological approaches to monitor and/or quantify circular economy from a general perspective or in specific sectors as critical raw materials, building, food.

Topic 3. Waste valorization including logistics: new ideas and approaches for waste valorization in specific sectors as critical raw materials, building, food including digital solutions to improve logistics.

Topic 4. Digital Products Passports: new ides and developments in the field of Digital Products Passports as efficient tool to improve materials traceability to support the implementation of sustainable products.

Additionally, the winners may apply to business support and acceleration services by the participating EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities – KICs (EIT Raw Materials, EIT Climate-KIC, EIT Food, EIT Urban Mobility and EIT Manufacturing)

The call will be open to any person or group of legal entities from an EU Member State or associated to Horizon Europe, and they will have until 31 August 2022 to apply. A ceremony will be held in November to announce the selected companies to which the award will be presented.

For more information refer to the Rules of the Prize

Energy communities bring renewable power to the people

The pandemic, climate change and the war between Russia and Ukraine have had serious consequences for Europe’s energy system, which is going through an unprecedented crisis. One answer to the global energy challenge is being devised at the local and regional level through clean-energy communities.

This idea consists of the creation of a renewable energy system under new community ownership structures. Its aim is to develop cheap, clean and safe energy that brings energy generation closer to the people who will use it. These renewable energy communities are made up of groups of people who pool their resources to jointly produce, store or distribute energy. Most of them take the legal form of a cooperative, although they can also take the form of associations or foundations.

The vision is the evolution from an energy system based on large centralized power plants to a citizen-driven energy production model based on renewable energy sources.

Moreover, for energy communities to succeed, civic engagement is critical. For this reason, some of them have developed specific approaches to include marginalized groups and people living in energy poverty. W4RES is also including a gender perspective in this area so that women, as agents of change, can make a difference in the energy transition. 

Although this is a relatively new innovation, it does have an enormous potential, and its development is expected to have a major impact on the energy transition and the everyday lives of European citizens.

Between the data and the deep blue sea

Human activity is degrading the vital ecosystems that enable our oceans to function. To solve this problem, the European Union has presented two projects whose mission is to restore marine ecosystems, eliminate pollution and make the marine economy neutral and circular. These projects are Mission Atlantic and AFRIMED.

Researchers from around the world are working to undo the damage that human activity has caused to our seas, but to do so they must understand the magnitude of the problem. In this context, Mission Atlantic aims to understand the complexity of the system and resolve the unknowns surrounding it.

The size of the Atlantic Ocean and the immense diversity it harbours means that there are many enigmas about it. Understanding the complexity and magnitude of the problem, Mission Atlantic’s main objective is to help countries, industries and individuals to treat the ocean in a sustainable way.

To do so, this project maps, models and assesses the ecosystems of the Atlantic Ocean, thus identifying the main existing threats. In addition, it aims at applying systematic approaches to marine ecosystems, as well as system feedback and complexity. 

On the other hand, the AFRIMED project focuses on identifying areas for kelp forest restoration, testing technologies to restore these sites, and finally, elaborating a step-by-step guide on how to rebuild these systems.

There are different complications in kelp forest restoration. The most important one is that anthropogenic pressure needs to stop in order to start the scientific or ecological process. In addition, it is important to note that transplanting kelp can strip other vulnerable habitats, and not all kelp survives in another location, so it is essential to find a good site for restoration.

Given the interdisciplinary nature of the project, it is required r not only the participation of algae experts, but also experts in ecosystem and environmental conditions, as well as a technician for the laboratory. Also, restoration involves socio-economic components, so stakeholder involvement is essential.

Gran Canaria: seleccionada por la UE para su Misión de Adaptación al Cambio Climático

La Unión Europea ha seleccionado una iniciativa presentada por el Cabildo de Gran Canaria para convertir la isla en una de las 118 regiones de 18 Estados miembros que integrarán el programa de investigación e innovación de la UE para impulsar la adaptación al cambio climático y la resiliencia climática para 2030.

El presidente del Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Antonio Morales, aseguró que “estamos muy satisfechos con poder entrar en este grupo de 118 territorios que estarán a la vanguardia de la adaptación al cambio climático. Además, las misiones de la UE recibirán financiación en el marco del programa de investigación de la UE Horizon Europe para lograr objetivos concretos a través de proyectos de investigación y medidas políticas”. 

Morales ha insistido en que “somos conscientes de que debemos priorizar las políticas de mitigación, de reducción de emisiones a través de las renovables y la eficiencia energética. Pero también debemos asumir que la temperatura va a subir en los próximos años y, por lo tanto, debemos estar preparados. El poder entrar en esta misión de la UE significa también dar un impulso a nuestra propia Estrategia Insular de Adaptación al Cambio Climático. Desde el Cabildo seguimos actuando de manera proactiva para convertir a Gran Canaria en un laboratorio en la lucha contra el calentamiento global”.

El coordinador técnico de Desarrollo Económico, Soberanía Energética, Clima y Conocimiento del Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Raúl García Brink, ha señalado que «estar seleccionado en esta Misión de Adaptación al Cambio Climático es un gran reconocimiento del trabajo y los logros de Gran Canaria a través del Cabildo. Lo que es más importante, la misión ofrece un gran potencial para Gran Canaria buscando sinergias entre nuestras instituciones de investigación, centros tecnológicos, nuestras empresas y la sociedad”. 

La Misión de Adaptación al Cambio Climático tiene como objetivo acelerar la transformación de 118 territorios de la UE para convertirse en ‘resilientes al clima’ ayudándolos a encontrar inversiones y soluciones innovadoras para gestionar los posibles riesgos climáticos. “Se trata de movilizar toda nuestra inteligencia colectiva para buscar soluciones frente al mayor desafío de la humanidad”, concluye García Brink.

Sobre la Misión de Adaptación al Cambio Climático

La Misión Adaptación recibirá 370 millones de euros de financiación de Horizon Europe para el periodo 2021-23. Las acciones de investigación e innovación abordarán la reconstrucción de áreas afectadas por fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, la agricultura vertical o la creación de una ciudad «perfectamente adaptada» lista para resistir una tormenta o una ola de calor. También existe la posibilidad de crear iniciativas conjuntas con otras misiones y programas de la UE. La Misión también brinda oportunidades de creación de redes, intercambio de mejores prácticas entre regiones y autoridades locales, y apoyo para involucrar a los ciudadanos.

El 14 de marzo de 2022, la Comisión lanzó una invitación a las regiones de la UE y las autoridades locales para unirse a la Misión. A partir de ahora, los nuevos signatarios se beneficiarán de la Plataforma de Implementación de la Misión, que estará operativa a principios de 2023. Juntos desarrollarán vías hacia la resiliencia climática mientras tienen acceso a datos climáticos y metodologías para las evaluaciones de riesgos climáticos. Además, recibirán orientación personalizada sobre medidas de adaptación eficaces.

La Misión para la Adaptación al Cambio Climático comenzó en septiembre de 2021 con la adopción de una comunicación sobre las misiones de la UE, seguida de la aprobación de los planes de implementación individuales de las misiones. Hay otras cuatro misiones de la UE que cubren desafíos globales en las áreas de ciudades inteligentes y climáticamente neutrales, restaurando nuestros océanos y aguas, y suelos saludables. El 15 de diciembre de 2021 se publicó un programa de trabajo específico para las misiones de Horizon Europe que apoyan las prioridades de la Comisión; como el Pacto Verde EuropeoEuropa preparada para la era digitalVencer al cáncer y Nueva Bauhaus europea.

¿Qué regiones participarán en representación de España?

Los 118 participantes provienen de 18 Estados miembros, con seis partes más provenientes de países asociados o potencialmente asociados con Horizonte Europa, el programa de investigación e innovación de la Unión Europea.

Estas regiones y autoridades locales han firmado la Carta de la Misión en el primer Foro de la Misión de la UE sobre Adaptación al Cambio Climático del Comité de las Regiones. Otras 17 empresas privadas, centros de servicios, redes de investigación y grupos de acción local activos en la mejora de la resiliencia climática respaldarán la carta y se convertirán en amigos de la misión.

En España participan en esta iniciativa las comunidades de Aragón, Islas Baleares, País Vasco, Castilla-La Mancha, Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana, Extremadura, Gran Canaria, La Rioja, Navarra, Asturias y Murcia, así como los consistorios de Soutomaior, Vitoria-Gasteiz y Málaga y la provincia de Granada.

Fuente: https://www.energiagrancanaria.com/2022/06/08/europa-selecciona-a-gran-canaria-para-su-mision-de-adaptacion-al-cambio-climatico/

Fuente: https://www.construible.es/2022/06/09/mision-ue-adaptacion-cambio-climatico-incluye-16-regiones-autoridades-locales-espanolas#:~:text=La%20Misi%C3%B3n%20’Adaptaci%C3%B3n%20al%20cambio,la%20resiliencia%20clim%C3%A1tica%20para%202030.

FORWARD Final Conference – 2 June 2022, Brussels

FORWARD final conference – June 2, 2022

Registration form: here

Hybrid event:
Onsite: KBR venue Kuntsberg 28, B-1000 – Panorama room  – Mont des Arts 28, Brussels
Online: a link to access the conference will be provided upon registration

Agenda: here

FORWARD is the first European project gathering the 9 European Outermost Regions: Azores, Canary Islands, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Madeira, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island, Saint-Martin. The Forward project aims at improving the excellence of the outermost regions in research and innovation.

The FORWARD Consortium is pleased to invite you to the final hybrid (online and face-to-face) conference of the FORWARD project on June 2, 2022 (starting hour: 10h30 CEST)

This virtual and physical event follows the first Island Biology conference held in La Réunion in July 2019 and the second  conference organized in conjunction with the annual meeting of LABEX-CEBA (Laboratory of Excellence, Center for the Study of Biodiversity in Amazonia). Open to the outside public, it aims to present the actions and final results of the project, which is coming to an end.

The conference is also an official Partner Event of the EU Green Week

The expected highlights are the following:
– Presentation of the representatives of the OR monitoring committee and the project coordinator (Canary Islands government)
– Results of the diagnosis of the OR Research and Innovation ecosystems
– Results of the thematic groups set up for the common action plans of the ORs
– Round table with OR experts on the green transition
– Post-Forward perspectives and OR-izon network

The full programme of the conference can be consulted here.

Consulta Europa joins the EU Rural Pact

Consulta Europa subscribed the EU Rural Pact  which was launched by the European Commission in December 2021. The pact aims at mobilising rural stakeholders, facilitating the exchange of experiences and boosting rural revitalisation. Our team will share the experience about working with rural areas and, in particular, the pilot project on #RuralHubs for rural entrepreneurship. 

If you are also interested in how to revitalise rural areas and have experience to share, you still have time until June to join the Pact through this open invitation and to register to the Rural Pact high-level conference that will take place in Brussels.

Long-term vision for EU’s rural areas – Rural Pact conference – #RuralPact

About the long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas and the Rural Pact

On 30 June 2021, the European Commission adopted its communication “A long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas – Towards stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas by 2040”. The communication is people-centred and forms part of the Commission’s work on democracy and demography.

The Communication is accompanied by an Action Plan, which outlines the main instruments for investment in rural areas, and puts forward actions that bring all EU policies on-board.

In addition, the Communication introduces a key new initiative, the Rural Pact, which aims to “mobilise public authorities and stakeholders to act on the needs and aspirations of rural residents”. These aspirations are described through ten shared goals, which resulted from extensive participatory consultations and stakeholder engagement processes. The Rural pact should be developed with all levels of governance and stakeholders supporting the shared goals of the vision.

We invite you to fill-in this form to express your support – in your personal capacity or in the name of your organisation, see personal details section – for the shared goals and to join the Rural Pact community and take part in the discussion on its development and implementation.

Support the shared goals of the vision for the EU’s rural areas

The 10 shared goals outlined in the long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas summarise the common aspirations of rural communities and stakeholders for rural areas in 2040 to become:

  1. Attractive spaces, developed in harmonious territorial development, unlocking their specific potential, making them places of opportunity and providing local solutions to help tackle the local effects of global challenges.
  2. Engaged in multi-level and place-based governance, developing integrated strategies using collaborative and participatory approaches, benefiting from tailor-made policy mixes and interdependencies between urban and rural areas.
  3. Providers of food security, economic opportunities, goods and services for wider society, such as biobased materials and energy but also local, community-based high-quality products, renewable energy, retaining a fair share of the value generated.
  4. Dynamic communities focusing on well-being, including livelihoods, fairness, prosperity and quality of life, where all people live and work well together, with adequate capacity for mutual support.
  5. Inclusive communities of inter-generational solidarity, fairness and renewal, open to newcomers and fostering equal opportunities for all.
  6. Flourishing sources of nature, enhanced by and contributing to the objectives of the Green Deal, including climate neutrality, as well as sustainable management of natural resources.
  7. Fully benefiting from digital innovation with equal access to emerging technologies, widespread digital literacy and opportunities to acquire more advanced skills.
  8. Entrepreneurial, innovative and skilled people, co-creating technological, ecological and social progress.
  9. Lively places equipped with efficient, accessible and affordable public and private services, including cross-border services, providing tailored solutions (such as transport, education, training, health and care, including long-term care, social life and retail business).
  10. Places of diversity, making the most of their unique assets, talents and potential.

Oportunidad del programa Widening para Canarias

Conoce el programa Widening y las oportunidades existentes para Canarias durante este evento organizado en el marco del programa H2020 Forward que tiene como objetivo impulsar la capacidad de investigación e innovación en las regiones ultraperiféricas de la Unión Europea.


 *Registro disponible solo para participar telemáticamente (cerrado)

25 de abril de 2022

09:15-14:30 (hora canaria)

Lugar: Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias (PLOCAN)

Descargar agenda EngDescargar agenda Esp


Consulta las presentaciones usadas durante el encuentro:

1. El Programa Widening. Ana Hidalgo, responsable de la Oficina de Programas Europeos en el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y en el Punto Nacional de Contacto (NCP) para Horizon Europe

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2. Programa Twinning. Ana Hidalgo (responsable de la Oficina de Programas Europeos en el CSIC y el NCP)

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3. Caso de éxito: proyecto Twinning SEED. Chahnez Charfi Triki (coordinadora del proyecto SEED)

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4. Programa Teaming. Ana Hidalgo (responsable de la Oficina de Programas Europeos en el CSIC y el NCP)

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5. Caso de éxito: proyecto Teaming FUNGLASS. Dusan Galusek (coordinador de FUNGLASS)

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6. La visión del evaluador. ¿Qué es importante para preparar una propuesta de proyecto exitosa? Francisca Gómez Fernández (EU Expert Consultant)

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7. El Programa Hop On. Identificación de oportunidades. Ana Hidalgo (responsable de la Oficina de Programas Europeos en el CSIC y el NCP)

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8. Programa ERA-Chair. Ana Hidalgo (responsable de la Oficina de Programas Europeos en el CSIC y el NCP)

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313 nuevos Consolidator Grants del Consejo Europeo De Investigación para abordar grandes cuestiones científicas

Los 313 ganadores de la última ronda de los Consolidator Grants del Consejo Europeo de Investigación, respaldados con unos 631 millones de euros, abordarán importantes cuestiones en todas las disciplinas científicas.

La financiación apoyará a investigadores en la mitad de sus carreras y los ayudará a consolidar sus equipos y a realizar una labor de investigación pionera en los temas y con los métodos que elijan. Se calcula que esta nueva ronda de subvenciones, que forma parte del programa Horizon Europe, creará unos 1.900 puestos de trabajo para investigadores postdoctorales, estudiantes de doctorado, entre otros, en 189 entidades beneficiarias.

Mariya Gabriel, comisaria europea de Innovación, Investigación, Cultura, Educación y Juventud, ha declarado: “Los resultados de esta ronda de subvenciones son prueba de la impresionante calidad de la investigación europea. Solamente es posible encontrar nuevas soluciones en los sectores energéticos, sanitarios y de las tecnologías digitales si podemos atraer y retener el talento científico.”

Maria Leptin, presidenta del Consejo Europeo de Investigación, comentó: “Incluso en momentos de crisis, conflictos y sufrimiento, es nuestro deber mantener e impulsar la ciencia y dar a nuestras mentes más brillantes vía libre para explorar sus ideas. Hoy no sabemos cómo sus ideas revolucionarán el mañana, pero sabemos que abrirán nuevos horizontes, satisfarán nuestra curiosidad y nos ayudarán a preparar para retos futuros impredecibles.”

Proyectos de investigación en 24 países

Los futuros beneficiarios realizarán sus proyectos en universidades y centros de investigación en 24 países de la UE y en países asociados. Científicos y académicos de todo el mundo pueden postularse a las convocatorias del Consejo Europeo de Investigación. Los ganadores provienen de 42 nacionalidades. En esta última convocatoria, el 12 % de los 2.652 solicitantes que presentaron propuestas recibirán financiación.

SHAPES PROJECT (Smart & Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems)

Project duration: 6 to 12 months

Maximum funding per project €50,000

Submission deadline on the 30th April 2022 at 17pm CEST

Budget foreseen for Open Call 2: minimum 350,000 Euros, maximum 500,000 Euros Expected

Innovation Action intends to build, pilot and deploy a large-scale, EU-standardised open platform. The integration of a broad range of technological, organisational, clinical, educational and societal solutions seeks to facilitate long-term healthy and active ageing and the maintenance of a high-quality standard of life. Mediated by technology, in-home and local community environments interact with health and care (H&C) networks contributing to the reduction of H&C costs, hospitalisations and institutional care.

For more details refer to: https://shapes2020.eu/open-calls/call-2/

More information: https://first.art-er.it/_aster_/viewNews/54481/smart-homes-secondo-bando-del-progetto-shapes


Following the recruitment phase last winter which resulted in selecting 23 Italian SMEs active in the field of tourism either as accommodation providers or tour agencies, the training phase is now about to kick-off with the first two training session taking part from 22-25 March.

Coordinated by the two Italian partners who act as reference points for the selected SMEs in Italy – the Autonomous Region of Sardinia for the Sardinian SMEs and Confindustria for the rest of Italy, the upcoming trainings will mark the start of the face-to-face and online capacity building trainings and mentoring within the TOURISME project in Italy.

These activities foresee the organisation of workshops, training and mentoring sessions to increase the skills of the SMEs and facilitate scaling-up of sustainable growth and uptake of innovative solutions. At least two face-to-face workshops will be delivered in Spain, Italy, France and Cyprus.  Topics addressed are reflecting the local needs, and can vary bewteen green procurement, waste management, energy efficiency, eco-design, mobility, circular economy, industrial symbiosis and social innovation. The Italian training phase and belonging modules were designed by the two reference points, with the support of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies.

The first training session taking place on 22 March in Rome and on 24 March in Cagliari will see the introduction to the TOURISME project itself, informing the selected SMEs about the calendar of training activities and the general context of the training initiatives. It will also reflect on the key concepts and principles and its application to the tourism sector when it comes to sustainable development, circular economy and environmental management – its terminology, basic notions and main regulatory frameworks. The training session will detail the historical evolution of these concepts, in order to point out the major milestones that contributed to the definition and widespread adoption of these principles in society, from the 1987 Brundtland Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015.

The training session will discuss how these principles informed the development of strategies to address the most salient environmental challenges (such as climate change, resources depletion, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation), examining international agreements and regulations such as the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Circular Economy Action Plan of the European Commission, to find out how similar approaches are designed to support all societal actors (from citizens, to governments and businesses) in leveraging opportunities for a more resilient and sustainable growth. The session will analyse the concept of sustainable tourism, defined in 1995 by the 21 Committee and updated in 2004 by the Committee for the Development of Sustainable Tourism of the World Tourism Organisation (UNTWO). There will be an overview on sustainable tourism in Italy.

Immediately, a day after, on 23 March in Rome and 25 March in Cagliari, the selected SMEs will explore the world of environmental standards and environmental certifications of products and services, as well as organisations. The training session will aim at enhancing participants’ awareness and understanding of the most common environmental standards, certifications and labels for products and organizations, in order to highlight implications of such tools for tourism activities. In the first place, the training session will discuss mechanisms and dynamics of standardisation and certification, as well as motives and objectives leading organizations to adopt similar tools, in order to ensure the correct understanding of such instruments among the participants.

Then, the session will examine the most widely adopted environmental standards and certifications, focusing on tourism sector and aspects like the scope of the certification schemes, the requirements for adoption, control or auditing mechanisms, external communication aspects, as well as benefits from adoption in terms of environmental improvement and competitive positioning. Specifically, among the eco-labels and environmental certifications for products, the session will examine the EU Ecolabel (also in relation with similar ISO 14020-based labels) and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) label. As far as concerns the environmental standards, the training will delve into the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), ISO 14001 standards for environmental management systems and as well as the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for energy efficiency in buildings. After the mentioned international standards, a final focus will be done to “local standard” i.e. successful cases of local green labels. In the last part of this session there will be an interactive phase where the practical steps to be implemented for the adoption of the EMAS and EU Ecolabel will be presented.

Similar training sessions are soon to be organised in the rest of the project countries – Cyprus, Spain and France.

Read original publication on the TouriSME project website

Aprobado el PERTE de Economía Circular

El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado el Proyecto Estratégico para la Recuperación y Transformación Económica (PERTE) de Economía Circular, un plan destinado a acelerar la transición hacia un sistema productivo más eficiente y sostenible en el uso de materias primas que pretende dar cumplimiento a los objetivos contenidos en la Estrategia Española de Economía Circular para el año 2030 y posicionar a España como referente internacional en la gestión, reciclaje y reutilización de residuos.

El 8 de marzo del 2022 se ha aprobado el Proyecto Estratégico para la Recuperación y Transformación Económica (PERTE) de Economía Circular. Este proyecto posicionará a España como referente internacional en la gestión, reciclaje y reutilización de residuos.

Se trata de una estrategia transversal que pretende impulsar la economía circular en sectores estratégicos de la industria española como en el sector textil y la moda, el sector del plástico y en los bienes de equipo para energías renovables.

Sus tres objetivos fundamentales son: el fomento del ecodiseño de los productos para hacerlos más duraderos y reparables desde su mismo origen, reduciendo los residuos; la mejora de la gestión de residuos mediante plantas de tratamiento que incrementen la reutilización, el reciclado y la incorporación de materias primas recuperadas en la producción de nuevos bienes. Y el impulso de la digitalización vinculada a ambos objetivos, que permitirá mejorar la competitividad e innovación del tejido industrial en cualquier sector.

Además de una gran estrategia para un futuro más sostenible el PERTE y la economía circular será una de las claves de la reactivación en España, favoreciendo nuevos nichos de empleo y aportando resiliencia al aliviar la dependencia de nuestra economía del exterior en un momento de incertidumbres en la disponibilidad de materias primas y otros insumos.

La economía circular aumentará el PIB de la Unión Europea y se prevén unos 70.000 puestos de trabajo en España

Se calcula que la aplicación de los principios de circularidad a toda la economía de la Unión Europea podría aumentar el PIB comunitario en un 0,5% adicional de aquí a 2030 y crear unos 700.000 nuevos puestos de trabajos de los que al menos un 10% podrían ser españoles.

Desde el primer momento, la economía circular ha constituido una de las grandes apuestas del Gobierno de España. Por eso, adoptó en junio de 2020 la Estrategia Española de Economía Circular -España Circular 2030, un esquema que marca objetivos cuantitativos para alcanzar un nuevo modelo de producción sostenible ambiental y económicamente.

Fuente: Referencia del Consejo de Ministros (Madrid, martes 8 de marzo de 2022)


On the next 8th March 2022 an online event will be held to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, the European Parliament President, Roberta Metsola and four other prominent women in Research and Innovation, Culture and Education hosts an online roundtable discussion to listen, learn from their experiences and inspire younger generations to pursue their dreams.

The roundtable discussion will evaluate the impact of the #EUWomen4Future campaign on the professional and personal lives of the women featured in it, including a former recipient of the EU Prize for Innovative Women.

The event will be organised in collaboration with the European Parliament and held in Strasbourg on 8 March 2022, from 11:00-12:00.

Here’s the link to the live event, click to see more details!


  • Las Palmas de Gran Canaria will host this Thursday, February 10th, the international conference on gender equality in research and innovation carried out within the framework of the Athena project co-financed by the European Commission.
  • The event will count with the participation of Sylvia Jaén, Vicecounselor of Equality and Diversity of the Government of the Canary Islands; Sara Ramírez, Counselor of Equality, Diversity and Transparency of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and María del Carmen Reyes, Councilor Delegate of the Area of ​​Equality of the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The conference can also be accessed electronically.

Friday, February 4th, 2022.-
Gender equality to unlock the potential of research. With this motto, the European project ATHENA is presented, an initiative that seeks the implementation of gender equality plans to promote research with a gender perspective in entities dedicated to this field and in organizations that finance it in Europe. This project is financed within the framework of the H2020 program (currently Horizon Europe), although it is coordinated by a Canarian SME. “We are proud to host this first international conference in the Canary Islands, which precisely seeks to contribute to gender equality in research and innovation through this project that will end in 2025”, underlines Michelle Perello, CEO of Consulta Europa and coordinator of ATHENA. 

In addition to several members of the project consortium, Sylvia Jaén, Vicecounselor of Equality and Diversity of the Government of the Canary Islands, will be at the opening ceremony. She claims that it is not only necessary to guarantee the presence of women in Science, but also the living in equality in the space of Science, “it is necessary to establish a new paradigm that allows collecting data that do not only measure equality in the workplace but that women, and people in general, are able to decide free from sexist stereotypes.”

Likewise, on behalf of the Government of the Canary Islands, the director of the Canary Islands Institute for Equality, Mónica Fumero, will also participate in the event, with the presentation “Women with science in the Canary Islands”. In spanish, it plays with the words “con” (with), “ciencia” (science) and “conciencia” (awareness) to talk about Women “con-ciencia”. “We need to promote an egalitarian and realistic scientific culture among Canarian students, bringing closer to students the legacy and the role of women who have developed and are currently developing their professional field within the scientific field, showing those who were left out of universal scientific history”, says Fumero. On behalf of the regional government, the Canarian Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society of the Government of the Canary Islands also participates as a partner in the project.

The opening ceremony will also feature the participation of Sara Ramírez, Counselor for Equality, Diversity and Transparency of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, who believes that gender equality should be promoted from society itself, without forgetting strategic fields such as research. “Many times it is the society itself that reaches where the administrations do not reach, we must seek among all people a more inclusive and egalitarian island”, emphasizes the ATHENA coordinator.

On the other hand, from the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria they have also shown their support for the initiative for gender equality, recognizing the value of showing the fact that women have had and currently have an active role in the field of research. “We know that science is a space that has traditionally resisted us and, in this sense, from the different areas of the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria we want to collaborate with this purpose”, affirms María del Carmen Reyes Marrero, councilor delegate of the Equality Area of ​​the municipal council.

At a regional level, the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is also represented in the project consortium through its Equality Unit, directed by Carolina Mesa, who will speak precisely about «The path towards gender equality at the ULPGC and the renewal process of the Equality Plan in the Canarian university«. In fact, during the event, women researchers will take part to tell their story, such as Beatriz González López-Válcarcel, a professor at the ULPGC who will take part to present her experience as a researcher. Likewise, the project has also promoted an online platform to make women researchers visible.

The ATHENA project is committed to fighting for gender equality, mitigating barriers to recruitment, retention and career progression for female researchers, as well as addressing gender imbalances in decision-making processes. ATHENA offers and implements gender equality plans in 8 Research Organizations (RPOs) and Research Funding Organizations (RPOs). The objective of this European initiative promoted from the Canary Islands seeks to guarantee that all people, regardless of their sex, have the opportunity to express their potential in research, thus forging an innovative, competitive and prosperous European society. 


Among the interventions that will take place this Thursday from 09:30 onwards at the Elder Museum, topics related to the “Challenges of gender equality in research and innovation from Europe to the Azores” will be discussed. This presentation will be given by Paulo Fontes, visiting associate professor and researcher at the Center for Humanistic Studies of the University of the Azores. Furthermore, Laura Grunberg and Irina Costache (University of Bucharest) will give examples of good practices on transformative measures of gender equality plans, and there will be debates on factors that influence the participation of girls in STEM education, moderated by Valeria Payán, president of the Iguálate Association.

Another of the entities that will participate will be the Opciónate Association, whose coordinator, Ana Lydia Fernández-Layos, will illustrate how research and digital tools promote gender equality. As part of the conference, it is planned to make the stories of women researchers visible. In this sense, Beatriz González, PhD in Economics and professor of Quantitative Methods in Economics and Management at the ULPGC will speak about women and scientific economics, while Joanna Rudawska, professor at the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce and member of the consortium of ATHENA will stimulate debates around women and R&D&i, highlighting examples of startups, spinoffs and spinouts. Finally, a social dialogue focused on how to close the gender gap will be promoted. The conference can be participated in telematically.

Consulta Europa teaches a free blue economy course

Consulta Europa is teaching a free course on Blue Economy for workers.

The first two sessions were given by Elba Bueno and Mónica Quesada from the Maritime Cluster of the Canary Islands and by Noelia Pericón, an expert on SDGs. The following will be taught on February 3 and 4 in person.

If you are interested, you can still join the last two sessions.

Topics will be addressed such as:

  • Business opportunities and strategic alliances
  • European projects
  • Environmental certification

Reserve your place: https://bit.ly/3nkelst

Interreg Central Europe: First call for proposals!

Do you need help to fund your cooperation? Keep reading!

Interreg Central Europe has officially unveiled their first call for proposals with an indicative budget of 72 million EUR from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Organisations are being invited from across central Europe to apply for this funding, which will support transnational cooperation to solve common challenges of these regions and cities. Applications can be submitted until 23 February 2022.  If you are new to Interreg and their funding, check this “beginner’s guide” to learn more about who we are and what we offer. It will help you to find out whether our funding fits your organisation’s needs and ideas. For all others, this program representatives have put together a step-by-step guide to writing a good proposal. Enjoy the journey to your future project!

Call framework: The application package and other key documents
The basic framework of our first call is outlined in the Terms of Reference (ToR). More information about rules and requirements to be observed when applying with us can be found in the application package and in the programme manual. Being familiar with these key documents as well as the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE programme document (IP) is essential for developing a good project proposal.
Call introduction: Rewatch today’s online launch event
We have introduced our new funding programme and the first call for proposals in a brief online event today on 15 November. We informed potential applicants about the aims of our transnational funding and how they can get started with the application process. You missed out on this event? No worries, the recording will be available on our programme channels as of tomorrow.
Transnational support: From video tutorials to individual consultations
The application process can be quite challenging. We understand that! That is why we offer a range of support measures to guide you through the process of writing project applications. If you want to get familiar with the thematic scope of our call, you can start by watching our tutorials. They will introduce you to the new funding objectives and will soon be followed up by tutorials on work plan development, communications, finances and state aid. Save the date for a first Q&A webinar on 2 December and individual consultations can be booked from 29 November.
National support: From information days to personal contacts
If you need support in further developing your project idea or setting up a partnership, you can also reach out to our national contact points (NCP) in all programme countries. They will offer support regarding the call basics, and provide you with information in national languages on national application issues. Look out for their upcoming information days and get in touch!

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