The European Union is the main body with resources to offer funding in form of grants to entities and companies in Europe. It is key for the Canarian innovation system to access and make the best use of these resources, which requires specific knowledge that allows them to submit quality project proposals, increasing their number of approvals and, consequently, funding.
Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation will organise a free webinar on 4 November 2020 (at 10.00h (Canary Islands time)) with the aim of providing the main stakeholders (entrepreneurs, company managers, staff of public bodies and/or students) with the basic knowledge required to successfully submit a European project proposal.
The content of the webinar is structured in three main blocks:
i) European Funds: From policies to funding programmes.
ii) Why and how a European project was born.
iii) Development of a successful project proposal: Steps to follow.
If you would like to participate, do not hesitate to register yourself before the 2nd November through our registration process here. For more information, you can consult the agenda of the event here.