Exploring the Charms of Iceland: A Glimpse into the Erasmus+ Project #EUROPE

From the 11th to the 13th of September, our journey took us to the picturesque town of Þingeyri, nestled amidst the stunning landscapes of Iceland. This adventure marked the second field visit of the Erasmus+ project #EUROPE, and it was an unforgettable experience.

Our gracious host, East of Moon, together with Associacio Uno, Poiomar, Absentia and Open Impact, extended their warm hospitality as we delved into the heart of Icelandic culture. Þingeyri, a remote gem of Iceland, welcomed us with open arms, offering a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in its rich heritage.

During our time in Þingeyri, we had the privilege of engaging in meaningful discussions and sharing invaluable experiences with our project partners. We explored the intricacies of European rural and remote territories, shedding light on both the advantages and challenges they face. This exchange of insights was not only enlightening but also reinforced the sense of unity that the Erasmus+ project #EUROPE aims to foster.

As we bid farewell to Iceland, we carry with us the memories of its breathtaking landscapes and the warmth of its people. Our journey doesn’t end here, though. In November, it will be our turn to play host, as we eagerly await our project partners on the beautiful island of Gran Canaria.

The Erasmus+ project #EUROPE continues to bridge gaps, foster collaboration, and create lasting bonds among diverse regions of Europe. Our adventure in Iceland was a testament to the power of international cooperation and the beauty of exploring remote corners of our continent.

Iceland, you’ve been more than real – you’ve been inspiring. Until we meet again on Gran Canaria, our hearts are filled with gratitude for the hospitality we experienced in this land of fire and ice.

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