European Commission Amends Unit Costs for SME Owners and Non-Salaried Beneficiaries

On July 30, 2024, the European Commission adopted an amendment to Decision C (2020) 7115, which authorises the use of unit costs for personnel costs. This amendment specifically targets owners of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and beneficiaries, such as natural persons, who do not receive a salary for work they personally carry out under an action or work program.

Given the current socio-economic context and rising inflation, the amendment aims to increase the unit amounts applicable to individuals directly involved as owners or co-owners of SMEs, provided they are not employees of the beneficiary organization. This also extends to natural persons who act as beneficiaries.

Furthermore, on July 31, 2024, the Commission adopted Decision C(2024)5405, which revises the unit costs for travel, accommodation, and subsistence. These new rates are applicable to invitations to tender with an opening date on or after July 31, 2024.

In summary, the amended decision includes:

  • Modifications to the existing rates for air and land travel, as well as for accommodation and meals,.
  • The creation of unit costs for new categories of land travel.
  • The addition of new countries to the list covered by unit costs for accommodation and meals.

These updates reflect the Commission’s ongoing commitment to simplifying financial processes and reducing the administrative burden for beneficiaries involved in EU-funded actions.

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