Call for proposal “Best practices of implementation of Circular Economy in Canary Islands” launched by Consulta Europa
This call for proposal pretends to pick up the best practices dealing with “Circular Economy” set in motion in the autonomia de Islas Canarias by public or private entities. In a circular economy, the value of the products and materials is maintained for as long as possible. The wastes produced and the resources consumption are kept to the minimum, and the resources are conserved into the economic circuit. When a product reaches the end of its useful life, it is returned into the economic circuit by other uses in order to keep creating valor. Are researched practices and initiatives which are implementing this principle.
- Objetives:
To publicly recognise the exemplary practices related with the circularity of the supply chain of firms and public organisation. The initiatives have to implement the concept of regeneration of the materials while making it profitable for the firm along with providing social positive effects. The best practices can be private or public initiatives.
- Can participate:
All the private firms operating in the Canary Islands, from any size or sector, alongside with public entities (municipalities, cabildos), fondations and non-profit organisations.
- What is a best practice for Circular Economy ?
A best practice in Circula Economy is an action, a project, a programme or a process which can achieve that the products, components and resources in general have their utility and valor maintained at all times. The best practice can be developed at any point of the supply chain of the organisation. The results must be recordable, innovative, sustainable and replicable.
Basic features:
- To demonstrate the set in motion of the principles of circularity.
- To address to an area of opportunities to implement Circular Economy.
- To have been implemented at least one year before postulation.
- To take place in Canary Islands
- To be original and replicable
- Categories of participation:
Las mejores prácticas pueden realizarse en cualquier sector económico de Canarias.
The best practices can be realised in any economic sector
- Participation procedures:
To download the formular, fulfill it with a description of the best practice and to send it to
- Key date:
La fecha límite de inscripción y el cierre de entrega de postulaciones será el 15 Octubre 2016
The deadline for subscribing will be the 15 October 2016.
- OSCE Days in Canary Islands:
Las mejores prácticas podrán ser presentadas como casos estudios durante el evento sobre Economía Circular que tendrá lugar en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria en Noviembre 2016.
The best practice can be presented as case studies during the event on Circular Economy which will take place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in November 2016.