BESTLIFE2030’s impact at the CPMR Islands Commission General Assembly

In the face of climate change, insular regions are on the frontline, grappling with unprecedented impacts on their fragile ecosystems, rich in endemic species critical to global biodiversity. However, amidst these challenges, opportunities arise to strengthen these territories through tangible Nature-based Solutions and regional climate adaptation strategies.


Shedding light on these pathways, Consulta Europa as the Macaronesia Regional Hub of the BESTLIFE2030 programme participated in the CPMR Islands Commission’s General Assembly, held on the 23rd and 24th of April in Ponta Delgada (Azores), focusing on three key topics.


Empowering territorial governments

The programme recognised the vital role of territorial governments in supporting biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. By engaging local authorities and stakeholders, BESTLIFE2030 taps into their expertise, enhancing the prospects for long-term sustainability. This collaborative approach guides the implementation of targeted conservation measures tailored to each region’s specific needs.


Biodiversity and climate change

The nexus between biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation is undeniable. As ecosystems face unprecedented threats, safeguarding biodiversity becomes paramount in adapting to the impacts of climate change in insular regions. BESTLIFE2030 represents a promising initiative, offering a responsive mechanism to adapt to these challenges head-on. By prioritising biodiversity conservation, the programme not only safeguards ecosystems and human well-being but also enhances resilience to climate change, benefiting both present and future generations.


Getting hands-on

Examples of potential projects put forward within the Macaronesia regions by BESTLIFE2030 were promoted at the event serving as compelling case studies to highlight the programme’s efficacy in addressing regional biodiversity challenges. For instance, it was presented how BESTLIFE2030 can the preservation of marine ecosystems through habitat mapping, biodiversity data collection, and environmental impact assessments in the Macaronesian regions (Azores, Canary Islands, Madeira).


In conclusion, BESTLIFE2030 underscores the pivotal role of insular governments in biodiversity conservation. Through collaborative efforts and strategic interventions, the programme not only tackles regional biodiversity challenges but also lays the groundwork for context-appropriate and effective responses.

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