RURALIZATION Mid-term Conference
The RURALIZATION consortium is proud to invite you to our Mid-term Conference on November 8th and 9th 2021, dedicated to the H2020 Ruralization project results and future projections. Within the course of an on-site and virtual meeting with experts and stakeholders, the debate will be developed across three discussion rooms: rural research, rural generations and policy-making for rural areas. We would like to invite you to participate in the discussion room of your preference, as well as to visit the virtual exposition where the best rural photos submitted to our Photo Exhibition will be displayed.
We would like to invite you to participate in the discussion room of your preference. The rural research session will identify key questions and begin to map out ways forward for rural research and policy that can support realisation of ruralisation and its regenerative outcomes for rural areas. RURALIZATION is focused on assessing and developing novel instruments, strategies and policies for rural regeneration and generational renewal. Its particular focus is on rural foresight analysis, the future dreams of rural youth, facilitating rural newcomers, farm succession, new entrants into farming and access to farmland.
These ideas would be further developed during the rural generation’s session, providing examples in relation to some of these specific areas, but also concentrate on more overarching questions around how the ruralisation process can be supported. It will also focus particularly on the central theme underpinning this conference, the question of bridging the EU level with local level practices.
The conference will count with the participation of European Commission’s representatives who will present the long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas. The final session of the conference will aim at deriving concrete policy conclusions from the project findings as well as communicating and discussing them with policy makers. Therefore, the RURALIZATION mid-term conference is the moment to resume the project findings about rural trends, access to land and rural generations.