Maximising energy savings and reaching high energy efficiency levels are crucial challenges currently faced by the EU. Remote regions, as those partners in the RESOR project, are characterised by a higher dependence on fossil fuels and general less efficient energy choices and behaviours among citizens and even moreamong businesses, for whom investment in renewables or energy efficiency are often not a priority or financially feasible. RESOR was thus born as a response tothe need for supporting businesses in the adoption of more sustainable energy behaviours and practices. The focus chosen by partners targets remote territories,which on one hand represent less favoured areas of Europe but which, on the other, are often well placed to employ innovative solutions and attract energyinvestments.
The aim of the project is to support energy efficiency and renewable energy use in businesses of the secondary and tertiary sector of the partner regions by improving current regional policies. The project activities will envisage an interregional learning process involving staff from public authorities and representativesof relevant stakeholder groups. This learning process will result in the identification of best practices for the improvement of regional policy instruments supporting energy efficiency and RES use and in the draft of Action Plans to be implemented in each partner region.
Budget: 1,732,924€
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